Corporal Cane(S)
Classic English Style Punishments!
Caning, whipping, paddling and fabulous spanking by Moonglow...Corporal Cane(s) is the story of a bruising encounter between the Corporal and an unruly aircraftswomen, Helen Harper. The rebellious Harper is sent to a special disciplinary unit run by Miranda Canes. Harper thinks it is very amusing when she tells the ‘Corp‘ that she was caned at school for putting a drawing pin on the teacher‘s chair. When the Corporal is called out for a few minutes, Harper cannot resist playing the same trick on Miranda. She is furious and sends Harper out for half an hour while she tends her bottom. When Harper returns the cane will see front line action. But rebellion is in Harper‘s heart; pity the poor Corporal‘s bottom as well. (48 minutes)...Plus two shorts...Twelve in the Morning, Six in the Evening (5 minutes) and A Caning Fantasy (13 minutes): Two workings of the same caning here. . Scene One: Some years ago Anna Thorpe is summoned to the headmaster‘s study for a severe caning for persistent tardiness. But she is late again the same afternoon, and receives another six of the best. . Scene Two: Five years later, she is summonsed by her boss from her hotel bedroom, when a deal falls through. She feels like she is being called in again by her old headmaster and reworks the caning in her mind, as she plays with herself.