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Bottoms Up!

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Bottoms Up!

Hard canings and spankings by Moonglow

Late 1960s. The Moonglow Production of Bottoms Up!, a burlesque show, is about to go on tour to London, Paris and Milan. Lead actresses, Prudence (Aleesha) and Stephanie (Xela), are not taking the show as seriously as they should and are always upsetting the well-meaning director and, worse still, the grumpy executive producer. As the show tours, the girls get into trouble time and again. At first, the director spanks them at each infringement. But the producer is not happy; he tells the director, in no uncertain terms, that the girls must feel the cane across their bottoms or be fired. Finally, for good measure, the producer canes both girls on their arrival back in the UK.

(1) The Chastised Shopkeeper. Set in the 1950‘s, a young wife accepts a caning rather than be prosecuted for shoplifting. (7 minutes)
(2) The Corporal‘s Wife. A domineering army corporal spanks his wife when she is late home. She learns obedience the hard way. (3 minutes)
(3) The Caning of the Under Matron. When Matron catches one of her assistants snogging a sixth former, the housemaster canes the under matron for such despicable behaviour. (7 minutes)

  • Running time: 66 minutes.

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