Ultimate Female Submission - Hard Bondage - Bizarre - BDSM - High Intensity
Spanning the abyss of time, the Incubus is an ancient shape-shifting sub-demon charged with the corruption of vulnerable beauties. It is the sins of self-indulgence and lust that become the fleshy food for the insatiable appetite of evil. The price of sin is high, and it is the job of the Incubus to exact that price from lovely females who flirt too close to the waiting jaws of darkness.Watch as a pretty brunette discovers the latest evil inside a cursed hotel room and what terrible evil is waiting just on the other side of the looking glass. While pleasuring herself, she is attacked by an unseen xXx, tied spread eagle, then savaged by the phantom lover with the help of its horny botanical minion. Broken, she is xXx to kneel at the feet of evil as she watches events from the past play out on a magical oracle, foretelling her own fate.Observe the Incubus before it took its rightful place in Hell. Once human, a Witch Torturer during the Inquisition, it was his great evil as a man that lead him on the path to Demonhood. Watch as a beautiful blonde is stretched on the rack and xXx to a squirming mass of welts in search of a confession at the hands of her cruel tormentor.Fast-forwarding to more modern times, a sexy big-breasted junkie finds the Incubus at the end of a syringe, her crime of self-indulgence an open invitation to the advances of evil. Set upon by the Demon in human form, she is used and xXx, then bound and gagged and left to writhe in the agony of a horrific xXx withdrawal. Her suffering curses the room which then becomes a hidden trap for the arrogant or unwary. 10 years later a pretty seer who thinks she understands the supernatural finds her own pride leading her to fiery penance at the hands of the Incubus.But the worst lies ahead for the pretty brunette who now must endure the horrors of the Tentacle Room. There she will find pleasure and pain the likes of which can only exists in one place, the very darkest corner of Hell!